Geometric doilies


My great Grandmother's crochet doilies have been re-interpreted through generations. I am the next woman in line to pursue this art of handcrafting. Doilies are webbed string-scapes forming imperfect patterns that take patience and practice. The anatomy of a doily has similarities to organic forms in microscopic cells; geometric regularity, extraordinary delicacy and complexity. The divine proportions of symmetry and form have created a foundation for the way I have revised my great Grandmother's craft. Despite the direct link to the hand-made through process, the illustrations have an altered visual manifestation and purpose.

Fig. 1 - Ukranian cross-stitch embroidery
Shapes and lines from traditional embroidery recipes applied to generate a contemporary circular pattern.

Fig. 2 - Piquants D'Oursin cut-out
Inspired by the beauty of simplicity and the invisible forms in nature. Focuses on the negative space and concentricity.

Fig. 3 - Geometric quilt pattern
Triangles and diamonds with a variety of surfaces using simple linear repetition, touching upon the illusion of 3D through texture.